Smile! You're on camera :) In addition to audio, Honeit also supports video calls.
Video calls can be optional or required. "Enabling" allows participants to join with or without video, while "Require" ensures video is turned on. Here are some ways to enable video for your calls:
As a Default Setting
You can enable or require video by default for all of your calls. This can be found in your Profile "Settings" → "Calling Preferences."
When Quick-Scheduling a Call
If you are using the "Schedule a Call" option, you can enable video at the time of scheduling individual calls. You will see the enable and require video options at the bottom of the page.
For Calls That Have Already Been Scheduled
Did you schedule a call but forget to enable video? No worries. For already scheduled calls on your calendar, click "View Details" of the scheduled call and you'll see the video options on the right hand side below the date.
Check out this video to see how to enable and use Honeit video calls: